A place for thoughts, ideas and discoveries

Friday, November 4, 2011

What if.....

Reading I John...."My little children, these things I am writing to you that you may not sin..." I John 2:1
What?!  John just finished saying (I John 1:8-9) that if we say we don't sin we are liars and make God a liar!  Contradiction?!

The truth is many Christians do not even make any effort to live a sinless life.  This is very convicting.  Actually, I happen to be one of those who lives a "secret life" of Romans 6:1, ("shall we sin more so that grace abounds"), while adamantly standing against "cheap grace" and the concept of "I'm saved and forgiven, so get over it".  This is called practical hypocrisy!

How would my life (my days, my weeks, attitudes, decisions, etc...) change if I began each day with "By God's grace I will NOT sin today?"...Would I live a life of defeat, constantly looking at my "failures"(sins) and wallowing in self-pity and despondency?  Or, would I walk in a heightened state of God's overwhelming grace expressed to me in the words of Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."?  Would it make me more aware of what sin actually is and more ready to avail myself of "the way of escape"(I Cor. 10:13)?

My Father's love for me is a reality that is NOT to be questioned.   But...will it bring Him more happiness (glory) if I am carefully walking my days so as to keep His happiness (glory) my main goal?
You betcha! Now...as NIKE says...JUST DO IT!!

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