A place for thoughts, ideas and discoveries

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who and What to teach with my "degree"...

In Psalm 51, David pours out his heart before God in confession and repentance for his adulterous, murderous acts.  Then in v. 13, he says...     
                "then I will teach transgressors your ways,
                and sinners will return to you."
After his disobedience, confession, repentance, etc...what can David possibly teach?! What he knows best...he will teach others about God's merciful ways with sinners.  David has experienced God's mercy in the midst of his disobedience, this he could teach others.  God's mercy to repentant, confessing sinners would be his "curriculum".  But...who were to be his pupils?  Transgressors, of course! 
Those who deem themselves as non-transgressors don't feel a need or a longing for God's mercy.  But those who are weighed down with the enormity of their "transgressing ways" will embrace the merciful message taught by the experienced teacher, David S.S. (Saved Sinner).

David didn't teach a 3-step formula of how he came to God.  He didn't expound on his disobedient acts with gory detail.  He taught God's ways because he wanted sinners to turn to God, not to himself!

I am an experienced sinner...what could I possibly do with those awful credentials?  Teach others about God's merciful ways with repentant sinners!  I have experience with that... David and I have this in common...we both have our S.S. degrees!  (Saved Sinner).